
2n2222 transistor download
2n2222 transistor download

2n2222 transistor download 2n2222 transistor download

Safe Operating Guidelines / Absolute Maximum Ratings: The maximum transition frequency is UP to 300MHz due to which this transistor can also be used in radio and RF circuits under 300MHz. Other than that it can also be used as a switch to drive load of upto 800mA. When working as an amplifier it can be used in audio amplification circuits, audio preamplification circuits and any type of small signal amplification in electronic application.

2n2222 transistor download

More over the maximum DC current gain is 50 to 300 and the maximum transition frequency is upto 300MHz.ĢN2222 is a general purpose transistor with lot of capabilities in a small package. Moreover it has an also high speed switching capability which makes it ideal to use in applications in which high speed switching is crucial. When looking at its collector to emitter voltage or voltage load voltage capabilities it maximum collector to emitter voltage is 30V which means it can drive load voltage of upto 30V. When looking at its switching capabilities it can drive load of upto 0.8A or 800mA a little bit higher than its plastic version which has 500mA to 600mA collector current or current load driving capability. The transistor performs well in both regions which are switching and amplification. Also these transistors are available two different packages which are TO-92 and TO-18, but in this post we are going to discuss 2N2222 TO-18 metal can transistor in detail. The transistor is available in many different part numbers and which are 2N2222, 2N2222A, PN2222, PN2222A and all the part numbers are slightly different from each other in specs. Max Storage, Operating & Junction temperature range: -65 to 200 CentigradeĢN2222 Metal Can Transistor Explained / Description:ĢN2222 is a very famous transistor and also widely used in electronics applications whether it’s a commercial or educational application.Minimum & Maximum DC Current Gain (hFE): 100 to 300.

2n2222 transistor download

  • Max Transition Frequency (fT): 250 MHz to 300 MHz.
  • Max Collector Dissipation (Pc): 500 Milliwatt.
  • Max Collector-Emitter Voltage (VCE): 30V.

  • 2n2222 transistor download